Thursday, March 14, 2013

Swedish Pancakes

6 Tbs. butter
3 eggs
2 cups milk
1 cup flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp cinammon (optional)
1 Tbs oil
1/4 cup sugar

1. Melt butter in skillet. Turn off heat.
2. Beat the eggs in a mixing bowl
3. Add 1/2 cup of the milk to the eggs and use the whisk to beat for 2 minutes
4. Add the flour to the egg mixture all at once and use the wooden spoon to beat the mixture until it is smooth
5. Beat in the remaining milk. Add the melted butter, salt, sugar and cinnamon.
6. Add oil to the skllet if needed. Heat skillet.
7. Drop about a T of the thin batter into the skillet for each pancake. Tip skillet to spread
8. Turn pancake when edges turn brown.

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